When adding creative professionals to your team you might think you need to find candidates who are creative AND experts in your industry. While it would be amazing to be able to find the perfect creative thinker who also has expert level knowledge, that is not easily found and not necessary for success. Today we will discuss why finding the right creative is more important than finding an industry expert. In some cases it can be beneficial to bring on someone outside of your industry for fresh ideas and a fresh view of your challenges.
Make Sure They Want to Learn
Once you find someone whose work and expertise in their creative field is a good fit for your business the next step is to determine if they are interested in learning. You want to find someone who is willing to learn about your industry and your business in a deep and meaningful way. They need to be willing take in a lot of information at a rapid rate and possibly change the way they approach the work based on what you need. An avid learner will be excited for new ideas, challenges and solutions and will likely offer ideas that you may not have thought of yourself. Creative thinkers can change things for the better and take the company to newer heights.
Creatives Can Offer New Ideas and Solutions
As mentioned above creative professionals often look at problems and challenges through a different lens. If they also are working in a variety of industries they will have solutions that may not have been though of by an industry expert. By using their more diverse background of knowledge they are able to offer outside the box ideas and solutions and move you away from the industry norm. In areas such as web design, creative marketing and copywriting this may be the leg up your business needs to set yourself apart from the pack.
In the highly competitive business landscape that most industries face it is often a detriment to maintain the status quo. Customers are bombarded with options and if you are not standing out you are lost in the fray. While an industry expert may have the knowledge they also may come with the attitude that there is a way to do things. By bringing someone outside the industry in to do your creative work you open the door to new ideas and fresh perspective. Remember that a good creative professional who is invested in your businesses success will build their knowledge of your business and industry to better perform their job. While they may not start out as an industry expert, you could easily end up with an amazing creative who grows into the right expert for your needs.

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